What is Dhyanalinga ?

Dhyanalinga opens the door to a possibility – a possibility for all that comes in contact with it to experience all that life has to offer. If energy could be captured within a structure, this particular structure is where you would find it; it is made as an entry into spiritual enlightenment as well as it helps release the energy within us. 

More precisely, it is a temple set within the base of the Velliangiri Mountains in Coimbatore, India and was created to last for more than 5000 years. It was created by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a master mystic and yogi. Although you are not required to have any specific faith to worship within its walls, it is a place to feel the divine energy within and offers a place to meditate, to all. 

What it Looks Like

Made to represent the symbol of Lord Shiva, it is made into the shape of a lingam and is the largest in the world. The 17-foot inner parikrama is made up of white granite and has symbols of nine major world religions inscribed on three sides. The purpose of these symbols is to send the message to the world that all are welcome. On the forth side, you can see the representations of the seven chakras and the Ida and Pingala Nadis (the two hemispheres of the brain). 

There are three steps that lead to the giant structure. These steps symbolize the three Gunas or qualities of the mind: tamas (darkness); rajas (passion); sattva (goodness). The surface of the stairs is pebbled so that the texture is felt on the foot and visitors will press the soles of their feet on the raised surface to activate nerve centers within the body. Once these centers are activated, they are more receptive to the energies within the structure. 

Within the Dhyanalinga

Once you have entered the structure, you will see a statue of Patanjali, the author known for the Yoga Sutras, who is commonly referred to as the father of modern yoga. The sculpture reaches 11 feet high and is comprised of black granite. It depicts the union of a man and a snake which symbolizes the divine nature of a man and demonstrates the nature of man evolving from his earthbound origins.


The Vanashree shrine, which is composed of green granite, is made to represent a peepal tree. It embodies the female deity, which in turn benefits all women and children who choose to meditate within the edifice. 

There are six granite panels that explain the stories of six southern Indian sages and devotees of Shiva. A large sculpture at the entrance of the building depicts two snakes with a single raised hood. This statue serves to demonstrate the non-dual nature of the Dhyanalinga. Above the vault, a seven-hooded snake can be seen as a symbol of the seven dimensions of life, where the result is that of the utmost consciousness. 

How to Meditate

There are 28 energy alcoves which are called Aura Cells. They are embedded into the cool walls and provide all visitors a secluded spot to meditate. You are not required to have a puja or prayer to worship, although you may feel inspired by the surrounding structure and feel a spiritual presence within. 

What to Expect

There are two offerings in the day, these occur during the Sandhyakals which is the best time to meditate as the individual is most receptive at this time of day. The Nada Aradhana offering is an offering of sound that includes a union of vocals and instruments. 

Every Shivaratri, the Pancha Bhuta Aradhana takes place on the 14th day of the lunar month. This process allows the purification of the five elements within the human system; and in turn, helps steady the body, mind, and energy within.

Whether you choose to visit a church, temple or another house of worship, there is no denying that it is a spiritual experience. Knowing that there is a special place that allows all forms of worship and does not require you to be religious makes this Dhyanalinga a unique structure for all to encounter. 

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